Category: Laravel

O que ando aprendendo nesta caminhada sobre a Terra

Docker on Ubuntu. Service nginx failed to build: ADD failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder(…)/ no such file or directory

Sometimes, when using Laradock, this error occurs after trying a container rebuild with no such file or directory message on docker-compose up -d –build nginx command. Its not clear to me what is the actual issue, but running the command with sudo, we can run it sucessfully. Seems that the regular user need access rights…
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Datatables + HTML 5 Export Buttons + Laravel-Mix (Webpack)

In the last days, I have experienced a problem trying to use Datatables and Bootstrap 4 with support for exporting results to Excel and PDF using Laravel-Mix. After hours and hours trying to put all scripts to work together, I finally win. So, I decide to write this little how to for those with same…
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