
尤利西斯, Ulysses –; 翱翔于所有星系中. 寻找地球, 飞入黑夜. 尤利西斯, Ulysses –; 与邪恶和暴政作斗争, 用他所有的力量, 并用他所有的威力. Ulysses –; 没有其他人可以做你做的事情. Ulysses –; 就像从蓝色中射出的雷霆. Ulysses –; always fighting all the evil forces bringing peace and justice to all.
There’;是一个不断呼唤我的声音. Down the road, that’;s where I’;ll always be. Every stop I make, I make a new friend. Can’;t stay for long, just turn around and I’;m gone again. Maybe tomorrow, I’;ll want to settle down, Until tomorrow, I’;ll just keep moving on.
Hey there where ya goin’;, not exactly knowin’;, who says you have to call just one place home. He’;s goin’; everywhere, B.J. McKay and his best friend Bear. He just keeps on movin’;, ladies keep improvin’;, every day is better than the last. New dreams and better scenes, and best of all I don’;t pay property tax. Rollin’; down to Dallas, who’;s providin’; my palace, off to New Orleans or who knows where. Places new and ladies, too, I’;m B.J. McKay and this is my best friend Bear.